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Stimulite Breathable Sheeting

Stimulite Breathable Sheeting (SBS) by Supracor is made from the specially engineered Stimulite honeycomb and is designed to enhance seating and positioning products, including custom contoured cushions and back supports.


Styles SBS1 - SBS7

$306.34 (inc GST)

SBS Sheeting - Features and Benefits


SBS sheets are flexible, versatile and breathable, making them ideal for use over any seating, positioning or reclining surface. Unlike most foams, these advanced materials aren't affected by bodily fluids and are odour resistant. The sheeting is hand or machine washable in cold water and dryer safe on the coolest setting, which in addition to Stimulite's natural antibacterial, antifungal and allergen-free properties, makes SBS a very hygienic material.


A breathable sheet is available with fabric on one side for the enhancement of arm and head rests without the need for additional upholstery. SBS can also function alone in furniture (office, home and outdoor) and bedding, providing a unique level of comfort and ventilation. Methods for adhering sheets to surfaces such as foam, metal and upholstery, include removable velcro, adhesives and stitching. A hot knife is recommended for cutting and creating angles or bevelled edges. Please contact us if you need any help deciding which sheet will meet your needs.



Whole 600mm x 600mm / 24" x 24"

SBS1XL 600mm x 1200mm / 24" x 48"


13mm / ½" thick bare honeycomb sheet

• Our most flexible and breathable sheet

Can be used in and over seating surfaces, arm and head rests, lap trays and orthotics


Extra large sheeting 600mm x 1200mm / 24" x 48"

13mm / ½" thick bare honeycomb sheet

• Our most flexible and breathable sheet

Can be used in and over seating surfaces, arm and head rests, lap trays and orthotics

SBS2XS (extra sensitive):

13mm / ½"  thick, single-faced sheet

• Faced on one side only

Easily contours over any surface with open honeycomb cells facing up

Same as the XS soft layer used on the Contoured Cushion


13mm / ½" thick, with fabric on one side

Fabric on one side eliminates the need for upholstery on arm, head, and foot rests


17mm / 11/16" thick, single-faced sheet

Faced on one side only

Contours over any surface with open honeycomb cells facing up


25mm / 1" thick, single-faced sheet

• Provides additional pressure relief and stability to seating and positioning surfaces


• 19mm and 6mm (total 25mm) / ¾" and ¼" (total 1") thick, single-faced, double honeycomb panel

Double honeycomb provides a ventilated, ready-made back support cushion


• 19mm / ¾" thick, double-faced, firmer honeycomb sheet for correcting pelvic obliquities

• Primarily used for correcting seating surfaces eg, pelvic obliquities

See our Stimulite Pelvic Obliquity Piece for an example of use

About Stimulite:

• Made from a soft, flexible medical grade material that is fusion bonded and has the appearance of honeycomb cells

• Consists of alternating thick and thin walled cells which flex when compressed to relieve pressure and stimulate capillary action, bringing more blood to the tissue for healthier skin

• Each honeycomb cell is perforated allowing air to flow both vertically and horizontally, keeping the body temperature from rising and preventing humidity

• Naturally antibacterial, antifungal and allergen free

• Non-toxic, eco-friendly and recyclable

Product code:

SBS# (style number)

Eg, SBS Sheeting 3 = SBS3

Supracor products are exclusive to C1 South in New Zealand

  • Available in SBS1, SBS1XL, SBS2, SBS3, SBS4, SBS5, SBS6, SBS7